If you wish to speak to an Al-Anon member please call our 24 hour answering service: (919) 713-1516
To find a meeting worldwide please call Al-Anon World Service Office 1-800-344-2666
Al-Anon.org is maintained by Al-Anon’s World Service Office and is the best source of information about Al-Anon and Alateen.
Meetings are the heart of the Al-Anon program Click Here to find meetings around the world
Is Al-Anon For You? This page contains three self-quizzes.
First Steps to Al-Anon Recovery. Here you will find Al-Anon members sharing about their experience with Alcoholism and how they have applied the Twelve Steps to their lives.
The Forum Magazine This is Al-Anon’s monthly magazine. We often call it a meeting in our pocket, check it out.